


With mercury and Neptune joining forces there will be some wool gathering or imaginative ideas or speculation.

Those going down any rabbit holes should pack a lunch and carry a flashlight. Talks should be kept private until there is proof of truth or actual facts to present.

It’s not much fun having to do sweep up in hindsight. These influences do enhance creativity and unusual intuitive thoughts.

Mercury resumes forward motion on Thursday, righting things and clearing the air. Hang on until then to make major decisions or signing anything binding.

Romance can be different or interesting; it’s show and tell time. Plan travel or moves. Clear the decks.

ARIES: Arrange to get together in cozy or secluded settings. Soft peddle your approach with them.

TAURUS: A demonstration of affection can thrill or surprise you. There is more to explore together.

GEMINI: Your natural charm raises your profile in the eyes of others. Take a prominent position now.

CANCER: Sudden travel could find you in a special or unusual place with unique, creative people.

LEO: A closer look at finances or assets will show there is more value than you were first aware of.

VIRGO: Others show how much they care and this creates a stronger bond between you and them.

LIBRA: Your personal efforts are rewarded as you advance your goals. Enjoy the praise you get.

SCORPIO: A connection or date can spark interest and hope for the future. Check out what works.

SAGITTARIUS: You have luck with home or base of operations. You confidence is growing easily.

CAPRICORN: Your intuition is in high gear and can startle others. You say what they are thinking.

AQUARIUS: You have personal and financial luck now. Look at ways to gain the advantage or win.

PISCES: Your magnetic attractiveness makes you the number one choice in any selective process.