


The week starts off with making choices or decisions as Saturn puts the brakes on Mercury.

Deal with stalls or delays. Wait for the word to come down from the top or those holding the reins. Avoid forcing any issues that need more time.

Handle matters independently. Meet with others in private to see if there is any common ground; a pathway can be found. Time off should include a change of scene to make it worthwhile.

Have patience with those sorting out their feelings or blocking contact. Seek confirmation of how things really are before picking sides or giving in.

The new moon in lLibra favours balanced judgments. Be generous.
ARIES: Decide if you will stay or go. Take care of any required paperwork to reach a settlement.

TAURUS: Set aside some time to handle added responsibilities. This will not drag on long term.

CANCER: Home or base of operations requires special arrangements with those of influence etc.

LEO: Make a better deal that would be agreeable to all involved. Stand your ground or position.

VIRGO: Be careful with new or improved income. Put some aside as a cushion for after.

LIBRA: Your influence is strong and will have some affect on what happens to others or data.

SCORPIO: Confidential information or secrets can provide leverage for your greater success.

SAGITTARIUS: Your generous actions bring returns to you in other ways. This all works out

CAPRICORN: Your leadership qualities are noticed by those who count. Your status improves.

AQUARIUS: Handle serious or critical matters over distance. What you say or do is noticed.

PISCES: Review old deals or ones that need updating. Make sure all involved are on board.